Monday, December 31, 2007

Lotsof Blogging Still Left To Do...

One of my Favorite 2007 Christmas Photos: Boy in the Box...
While there were many great photos taken of out family Christmas this year, this is one of the cutest.... After we had opened all the presents Elijah crawled into on of the boxes and I was able to capture this priceless memory of 'The Boy In The Box'.
Today is the last day of 2007. Wow, what a Year....! I haven;t posted in a couple of weeks and this morning there is not enough time to completely catch up and adequately wrap up the year. I have a tennis camp this morning from 10 AM to 3 PM today and then I'll be kicking back this evening, ringing in the New Year with Monica, Connor, and Elijah...!
More later... I plan to blog on into the New Year...!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Behind My Blogging Schedule

Oh... I realize that I'm behind schedule for this blog... Sorry... If I got paid for blogging things would be different. I've been spending more and more time in my prayer journal each day and the other blogs are being neglected at the moment.

I'm afraid that I may have to relegate this blog even further down the blog hierarchy and only update it about once or twice a month.

So, to catch you up on things happening since Thanksgiving...

We have stepped up our home improvement projects: finishing out the garage for Monica's workshop, and giving our kitchen a 'make-over'...

I have a really good person coming to help me at the tennis center for the Christmas break and beyond... I'm very excited about that...

We have been really busy at church helping with the Christmas program and in the nursery.

I am considering a major career shift... More on that soon...

I've bar b qued some excellent meals lately. -Have I ever mentioned how much I love to prepare bar b que...?

That's the highlights from the past two weeks...

Until next time.... Bye for now...