Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas 2009

Yay... It's almost Christmas 2009. Christmas Eve has been an enjoyable, relaxing day. I've been preparing some delicious stuffed pork loin rolls all afternoon. Elijah has been helping me. We have also decided to watch all the Star Wars movies this weekend. -That's a nice Chirstmas tradition.... We're watching NEW HOPE right now...

Monica's been busy but has not had a stressful day. Everything is going pretty well for this Christmas holiday.

Church is coming up at 5 PM and then we are going to visit some friends this evening. Looking forward to it...

More later.....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009 -Chronicles of Coach Sam

Last Update: 9:45 PM, Thursday, November 26...

5:30 AM... Up and out of bed... Covering the day in prayer...! -Most Important!!!

6:00 AM... Facebook time... -It's going to be a full day of family time, cooking, eating, and Starleet Commander Missions

7:00 AM... One of our family traditions is to make Rice Crispy Treat Squares for breakfast on holidays... (I think we've been doing this since 2003 and it's a good tradition...)

8:00 AM... Family is still asleep. I'm making deviled eggs just for Connor...-One of His Favorite Holiday favorites... Waiting for Monica to awaken so i can go to the store for last minute grocery shopping... Coffee is made... YUM...!

9:00 AM... Deviled Eggs -Done...! On my second cup of Coffee... Playing Starfleet Commander on Facebook. I know it's a colossal waste of time, but I'm indulging myself today. Prayed over my family and the day again this morning. -More than anything else, I REALLY want Connor and Elijah to have a Happy Thanksgiving memory of this year. Guess I'll get the smoker started for the Turkey... How late is everyone going to sleep today...? Oh well, it IS a holiday... More later...

10:00 AM... Monica and Elijah got up around 9:30 AM... I just got the smoker started for the Turkey and am heading to the grocery store for last minute things for our day of feasting and relaxation. Oh.. Connor is up... Yay...!

11:50 AM.... Put the turkey in the smoker at 11:30 AM... Ran a few Starfleet Commander Missions... Spoke to my grandmother, sister, older brother Stan, and left a message for my younger brother, John. Just a relaxing, peaceful day...! I'm about to start working on some snacks for the afternoon grazing before dinner this evening....!

3:00 PM... The day is going well... The turkey is on schedule to be ready around 6 PM... I also made a couple of stuffed pork loin rolls. They should be ready very soon.... Monica and I just went on a very enjoyable walk around the golf course. Let the records show that it's a beautiful day outside today...! I'm about to play a card game with Elijah, then do some more cooking...

5:00 PM... The turkey will be ready a little ahead of schedule... The pork loins are probably ready now... I need to go check my smoker... I'm working on giblet gravy... Everything else is up to Monica.... Mmmmm.... The house smells like fresh baked apple pie... We're planning to eat around 6 PM...

6:16 PM... Pretty much everything is ready except the Turkey: It needs a few more minutes... But here's where my backup plan kicks in: The Stuffed Pork Loin is ready for action right now so we are still on schedule... Sadly, there was one 'casualty'. The platter that we've used every year since we've been married broke. It was my mother's and she got it from her mother...! Oh well, that's one family heirloom that won't get passed down... (Sorry Elijah and Connor...)
9:45 PM... Dinner was excellent... Everyone enjoyed the pork loin roll. All the sides were good. Dessert was good... No, dessert was EXCELLENT...! Monica's apple pie can't be beat...! We're all enjoying to watch movies with Elijah... 'Cars' was first, now we're watching 'Peter Pan'. All in all, it was a family triumph for the Chadwell's today!
Wlll try to update this site every hour or so throughout the day...! Please check back...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cool Tennis Picture...

I like this photo that was taken of me during a tennis class a few weeks ago. I am demonstrating a two handed backhand technique, but you can see a player a few courts away in the background and it looks like a little miniature player standing on the rim of my racquet. Hey: Don't fall off, Jennifer...!

Special thanks to Sharon McReynolds who has been taking photos during my weekend classes the past month...!

I am gearing up for a big week of Thanksgiving camp activities next week. Go to my website: or email me at for more information...! Pre-registration is requested so that I can plan good programs...!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Back to Blogging...

Wow... I can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged. Of course, this is due chiefly to my new fascination with facebook...
Well, I'm trying to kick the facebook habit as my ONLY means of expression. I think Blogging is a good thing. Honestly, It's a GREAT Thing for looking back and seeing what matters concerned you from season to season of your life.
One of my last entries on this blog was a letter to President Obama committing to pray for him, his family, and his administration every single day he is in office.

Wow, I sure failed the President on that committment. Honestly, I am ashamed of the fact that I haven't lifted him or his family up in prayer in some time.

Sure, I disagree with some of the President's ideas and the direction he's taking our country on some issues, but when I am bitter and angry about it, that doesn't do one single thing to improve the situation, does it....?

TODAY, I am renewing my commitment to praying earnestly for Barack Obama...! I think I am going to start a weekly letter of encouragement and constructive criticism to the President. SERIOUSLY. I am going to do that. I'm not being sarcastic.

My attitude towards the President and Congress has been very negative lately. I can stand up for what I believe in without being so overly attacking to individuals on a personal level. In hindsight, I think I have really damaged my Christian witness by being overly negative and critical at times. I'd like to take this opportunity in this public forum to apologize to the President, and anyone else whom I may have offended with callous remarks.

Sorry Guys. That was the 'old' Sam Chadwell... The 'new' Sam is working on expressing himself with a little more tact and grace than I have in the past...!

Anyway... It's good to be back in the blogging saddle...! See you next time...

Coach Sam

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fun Day Fishing With Daddy: The Pics Tell All...

Elijah and I were fishing and I decided I would pretend to be asleep. Elijah climbed on top of my tummy and said 'Daddy, Daddy, wake up...' But I pretended to be snoring....

Elijah took my hat off but I continued to pretend to be asleep.... (Making more snoring sounds...)

Elijah decided to model my hat for mommy who was taking photos...

By the time Monica took this last photo I think I really was asleep, -And this time Elijah was pretending... Yes, it was a very fun day...!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Wrapping Up Spring Break...

Here's a neat photo of Elijah and daddy enjoying a fun moment of fishing at a park in Lake Jackson during spring break this past week. All we caught was a turtle, though... But we has a great time. Mommy joined us, too. We also played on several playgrounds in the area.

I'm sad spring break is over... But I am planning to budget my time better from now on so we can enjoy more fun family moments like this one in the future...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's About Time I Started Posting Again...

I used to blog all the time. I have seven blogs, you know. And I used to get to all of them at least once a week. Now I can hardly find the time to update one blog every day. But here I go again, trying to recapture what I consider 'sanity' in my life.

Yesterday, March 20, was the nine year anniversary of my mom's passing. I can not believe that my mom has been gone for nine years. Oh how I miss her.

My poor mom was a mess. She made many bad life choices and died a painful, senseless death without any of her family or friends around her.

At the time of my mom's passing, she and I had been in a disagreement about her life style (alcoholism) and had not spoken with each other for nearly three months. I can't even recall our last conversation, but I do remember writing her a letter telling her how disappointed I was that she was not taking care of herself and that I was 'taking a break' from her until she changed her destructive habits.

Yeah... I found that letter on the mantel of her fireplace as my sis and I were cleaning up her house getting it ready to sell. It really chokes me up to think how my mom was feeling in those days leading up to her passing. How alone and abandoned she must have felt... How scared she must have been...

But the one thing that really gets me You see, is my mom didn't know the Lord. She had given up on pretty much any kind of religion. And me... I knew the Lord, but I was a weak Christian back then.(still am, in fact) I was fed up with my mom. I was worn out caring for her. I was sick and tired of her not trying to get better.

I tried to witness to her but couldn't get through... So I just gave up. I gave up on my mom. Oh I was just 'taking a break' I told myself. But I ran out of time...

And she died.

I'm really doing bad emotionally with all this right now. I still have guilt that I didn't stop my busy life for a while longer and throw myself into the woman who gave birth to me. The woman who held me in her arms as a little baby and loved me.

And now I have little doubt where her soul is resting in eternity... Oh I could have done more...

Sure, she had Free Will and made her own life decisions, but I see my mom's life as a missed opportunity.

My daddy passed away six months later. That's an entirely different story, there...

I could go on and on but I think I've spilled enough emotion for the morning. Let me close on a positive note:

I know I can't change the past. But I can make sure that history does not repeat itself. I'm not going to give up on or take a break from anyone else. I'm going to diligently seek my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, every day. In that way, I believe there will be some meaning to my mom's life and death. I know my Lord has plans to prosper me, not plans for calamity.

Dear Friends, I apologize for the 'dark' tone of my post today. I needed to write to let out some emotion. I'm better now. I believe that in our lives we are going to face struggles. But God is Good. He will never leave us or forsake us. Call upon the name of the Lord and BE SAVED...!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What I told President Obama...

I emailed President Obama through his website today. You can too. Go to this link:

Here's what I wrote in my message that was limited to only 500 characters:

Dear Mr Obama,

I would like to extend my sincerest best wishes for your next four years as the Commander in Chief of the United States of America. I want you to know that while I disagree with many of your policies and platforms, I am committed to praying for you, your family, and administration every single day for the next four years.

I appreciate that you are committed to creating the most open and accessible administration in American history.

Kind Regards,

Sam Chadwell

I plan to contact the White House pretty much on a daily basis letting them know in a very nice way how I feel about it's policies and actions.

Wouldn't it be great if Christians every where literally flooded the White House with positive, constructive criticism...?

Hey, we can take a stand for what we believe in without coming across as fanatical religious zealots. I have to admit it's going to be hard for me to be polite when I'm expressing my opposing views on topics such as abortion, but I'm praying that the Holy Spirit will come through for me.

We all have to pray. God is in control. Proverbs 21:1 says: The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD; He turns it wherever He wishes.

Pray Hard. Pray like You've never prayed before. LET'S DO IT, PEOPLE...!

Political Activist Watch Dog

I plan to use this blog to voice my opinion about what is going on in this once great country. I think it is more important than ever for American Christians to stand up for what they believe in and take an active role in influencing our country.

Many of us, Christians or not, are too busy with the details of our own lives to stop and notice what is happening around us. And in this day and age things can change in a hurry, sometimes in the blink of an eye.

It is my desire to keep completely updated with what is going on in our government since I disagree with much of the platform of the Democratic party that is in power right now.

I pray for Holy Spirit intervention in matters of abortion legislation, and other issues near and dear to my heart.

I am standing in the gap for this country. I ask my Family, Friends, and Americans everywhere to join me in holding our government leaders accountable and keeping each other informed of important issues in our country.

God Bless America.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Please Pray for America...! We Are Most Definitely No Longer 'One Nation Under God'

Dear Friends...

Happy New Year...! I'm a little behind on my blogging in 2009, but plan to try to start updating this site about once a week... I'm really going to try to keep the content fresh and interesting this year...

Today's topic is about comments made by Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson regarding his speaking at the upcoming inauguration of President Elect Barack Obama.

You need to read this link for a little background information :

OK, here's the problem I have with this guy: Forget that he's a homosexual. I'm not even going to address that issue. The problem I have is this 'Episcopal Bishop' reported that he doesn't yet know what he'll say at the inauguration, but he knows he won't use a Bible.

The article also quotes him as saying:

"While the bible is a holy and sacred text to me, it is not for many Americans," Robinson said. "I will be careful not to be especially Christian in my prayer. This is a prayer for the whole nation."

Am I the only one who sees the disconnect?

Gene Robinson has been asked by President Obama to pray at the inauguration but he's NOT going to use a bible and is NOT going to be Christian in his prayer.

Oh, how our world seems to have turned upside down...!

Here's a suggestion for Bishop Robinson: It's a prayer that was forwarded to me via email by a home school mom- It's the kind of prayer that I wish were prayed at this inauguration, and the kind that Believers need to pray every day.

Heavenly Father,

We come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics.

We have coveted our neighbors possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'

Friends, let's start praying for America like we never have before... This is a CRUCIAL time in our country's history.

(Let's also pray for Bishop Robinson...)

Join me in standing in the Gap for America Today...!