Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Think I'm Becoming an Activist...!

What is an activist...?

According to Merriam Webster, an activist is a person who takes direct, vigorous action especially in support of or in opposition to one side of a controversial matter or issue.

Previously I was just someone who 'had an opinion' about stuff. Now, I seem to be writing letters or blogging about issues that are near and dear to my heart pretty much every single day. -I'm always fired up about something...!

-And I just can't keep quiet about it...!

So, what am I taking direct, vigorous action in support of or against today...?

Oh there are so many things I don't even know where to start...

I suppose one of the biggest issues I'm getting steamed up about is the culture clash between Christians who are willing to stand up for what they believe in and those non Christians who are trying to take every reference to and about Jesus Christ out of our society.

God is out of the public school, and has been since the 1960's All the 'mess' happened back in the early 1960's before I was even born...!

Now, 50 years later our country is so far removed from what our founding Father's intended it puts me on the verge of tears every time I think about this culture that my children will have to grow up in....

Where were all the Christians back in 1962 when the Supreme Court was legislating God, prayer, and the bible out of the schools...? They were sleeping...!

Well it's time for Christians to wake up and defend what they believe in before it's too late.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do
nothing...! -Edmond Burke, One of America's Founding Fathers

Evil is triumphing in America right now... But take courage. God is still on His Throne. He is Sovereign. He is control.

I'm not going to sit around and do nothing like my parents and grand parents did. They slept.

But I am awake...! And I'm getting Grouchy...!

To be continued....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Button it Up, Ann....!

Interesting discussion... But do you think it would be too much trouble for NBC's Ann Curry to button her blouse...? She's dressed like she is an extra on 'Desperate Housewives' instead of a professional major network journalist.

Compare Veteran Anchor Brian Williams to Curry in the side by side screen shot at the beginning of the segment... Williams dressed up for the occasion and Curry dressed down. What's up with that...? Am I the only one who has a problem with that...?

I know it's a small thing to take issue at but I think she was dressed inappropriately.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Birthday Photo

Yesterday was my birthday... Unfortunately I was pretty sick and we were not able to celebrate it like we had planned. Also, we just got another digital camera and haven't figured out how to use it yet so I'm posting a photo from Elijah's Bday this past summer....
Hopefully we'll have some new photos this weekend...!
It was a nice Bday in that I had my whole family around me to celebrate with and I heard from all my extended family, too... Even those who haven't kept in touch for years, so that was really a blessing...!
My Life is Good....

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Up Early Today...

I awakened at 3:35 AM this morning and have to get started preparing for a tournament at the tennis center. I would have loved to have everything prepared last night before I went to bed but that was impossible. I was so sleepy I could hardly keep my eyes open. I was reading to Elijah trying to help him fall asleep and ended up falling asleep with him. Just before I dosed off I prayed to God that He would help me get up in time to fully prepare for today's event, and HE did just that...!

Praise the Lord, I know today will be a good day!

I'm much more of a morning person than a night owl. I'm pretty certain I'll get to bed early tonight, though....!

Well, I'll probably blog a bit more this evening. I gotta get going...! Bye for now...!