The big news around this area is that some kids in Sweeny, Texas are refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Sweeny ISD School Board has changed it's policies under pressures from the American Civil Liberties Union.
Here is a news link reporting the story details...
Honestly, this turns my stomach.... If America starts turning out more kids like this we have absolutely no hope at all to survive as a country. I am twice as disappointed in the parents of these children. And I am triple disappointed in the elected school board officials who did not take a stronger stand on this issue.
I am definitely praying for this situation...
~coach sam
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Come on, People...! Show some Respect
Posted by Coach Sam at 7:57 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Role Models
Role Models: Are You One…?
The word ‘role’ is usually associated with theater arts. When you think of the word ‘role’ you usually think of a character in a movie, play or drama. An actor or actress will play the ‘role’ of a certain character. If they played their role particularly well, we will remember their performance.
The ‘role’ is a description or example of the character it portrays. Now, most stories are about some sort of conflict or problem, and how that conflict or problem is resolved. A basic conflict theme often portrayed is ‘Good versus Evil’.
A perfect example of this theme occurs in the movie: ‘Star Wars’. In this epic motion picture the character that exemplified ‘Good’ was Luke Skywalker. The example of ‘Bad’ was Darth Vader.
In real life we have people who are role models that exemplify ‘good’, or ‘bad’. Honestly, I have come to learn that life is really a struggle of the good versus bad theme played out over and over again. Have you ever noticed any recurring themes in your life?
I wrote a few weeks ago about the importance of teachers and coaches in our lives and how these ‘powerful’ roles can affect us in a positive or negative way. For myself, I think God allowed me to discern good and bad fairly early in life. Praise God that I did have many ‘Good’ directions to turn to. But I have often thought to myself, what if ‘this’ or ‘that’ had or had not happened in my life, what kind person would I have become? What different set of choices might I have made and who would I be today…?
The fact is, any number of scenarios could have played out. But the bible says that God has a plan for us, and it is a plan for ‘GOOD’. In Jeremiah 1:5 God says: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’
Of course, God was speaking to Jeremiah in this passage, but this scripture tells us that our lives are no accident. Things don’t happen by chance. There is a God who is in control of what happens. Jeremiah 29:11 explains: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Friends, we have hope and a future. It is a GOOD future! You may not think of yourself as a role model. But your life, your words and your actions touch countless others around you in ways you may not be aware. I challenge you today to be a role model for ‘GOOD’. Do not under estimate the awesome power of an encouraging word or an act of unselfish kindness or generosity. One good word or deed has the power to transform a life.
~Coach Sam Chadwell, April 26, 2011
Posted by Coach Sam at 2:46 PM 3 comments