The big news around this area is that some kids in Sweeny, Texas are refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Sweeny ISD School Board has changed it's policies under pressures from the American Civil Liberties Union.
Here is a news link reporting the story details...
Honestly, this turns my stomach.... If America starts turning out more kids like this we have absolutely no hope at all to survive as a country. I am twice as disappointed in the parents of these children. And I am triple disappointed in the elected school board officials who did not take a stronger stand on this issue.
I am definitely praying for this situation...
~coach sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
Mr. Sam
Are you suggesting these children should not have the right to refuse to recite the pledge?
The actions of children may well be repugnant to you now. One or more of these children may well be in the armed forces sometime soon. Should these children be punished for their behaviour as teens when they are in their 20's? I think not.
These children and their peers will, in the end do us well sir. When you strip away the pierced noses, tatoos and irritating throbbing of their music these folks are a fine bunch really. They are as fine or perhaps even better americans than us old folks.
Dan Engelstad
Quem Gosta do Justin Bieber ai ? esse blog todo dia tem noticias quentinhas sobre ele. Visitem :
Coach, We've been letting a small but big-mouth number of folks in this country do all the talking and it's effected our schools and kids way too much. There's a new kid in town - or Texas - for Christian educators in public schools. I've been in education over 30 years and hadn't heard of it until just a few years ago, but it has over 7,000 members nationwide. I just joined the facebook page for CEAI. It's a way to encourage, equip, and empower each other. - Daisy
HaVe noT yoU HearD==
PreS o'BaMa haS decreeD thaT wE aRe No LongeR a Judeo-ChristiaN NaTioN......
ThiS shouLd coMe aS nO SurpriSe ......
=wE LiVe aS SOjouRneRs iN America NoW,,,
BLeSS yoU aNd youR FamiLy, Coach SaM,,,,,
[[i siMilarLy/summariLy aGree wiTh yoUR ProfiLe bio\sTatemenT ]]
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