Sunday, May 18, 2014

Night Tennis with Elijah

Every now and then Elijah talks me into a late night tennis lesson.  A few nights ago was just such an occasion and we ended up having our longest rally ever: 98 consecutive shots...!  That was a really special moment!

I live for special moments like this...!  Next time we go out there we are determined to hit 100 or more.  

Friday, May 02, 2014

OK...  It's been way too long since I posted.  Going to try to get back on a routine starting this morning...!

The last time I posted was in February.   March and April have been an absolute BLURR...

I accepted an employment offer at Bay Area Racquet Club.  I have closed down my Columbia Lakes operation.  The past two months have been spent trying to transition from working mostly in and around Brazoria county to Clear Lake.

I am on the road a lot more, but my family has traveled with me a bit so it hasn't been too bad.  Still, it has been quite an adjustment getting used to a new schedule and new routines.

Lots to report:

My nephew, (Joey) has moved in with us.  He's about to start employment at the Columbia Lakes Country Club restaurant. 

I am very busy wrapping up a season of Flextennis. and getting ready for the summer.

Trying to stay tuned in to the Word of God every day.

Just got the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 smartphone, but I am not smart enough to really know how to use it right now, but eventually it will enable me to have a much more functional mobile office on the road!

This photo was taken by Elijah on my Galaxy 3.

Elijah (8 years old) feels more comfortable using my phone than I do...  He's already showed me alot...!

Well, that's it for now.   More News Soon...!