Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Visit to ER Last Night Brought Back Painful Memories

 My sweet little boy who is not so little any more had an accident yesterday evening.  He fell off his skateboard and broke a bone just above his wrist.  He faced the situation bravely for a nine and a half year old and is now in a temporary cast. 

Last night Monica stayed the night in Elijah's room with him.  He slept OK but we are wondering how much pain he will be in when he awakens.   I did not sleep much myself but have been awake off and on covering Elijah in prayer.

I want to share that the trip to the ER brought back many painful memories for me.    I remember 14 years ago when I received a call early one morning to get to Matagorda County General Hospital in Bay City as fast as I could because mom was in critical condition.

At the time I was living in Nassau Bay and by the time I was almost to the hospital in Bay City, mom had been life flighted to Hermann Hospital so I rerouted my trip to Houston.   However, when I reached the Hermann ER, hospital staff met me and informed me that my mom had passed away on the flight.  It was the worst day of my life.

We took Elijah to the Sweeny Hospital and have been there two other times in recent years. Memories of those ER visits are so painful I do not wish to discuss them in this forum. But those who know Monica and I intimately know of the hardships, loss, and difficult circumstances we have faced.

Honestly, the memories of those other ER visits flooded my heart last night and it was all I could do to hold back the tears. But I tried my best to be strong in front of Elijah.

He is a sweet, wonderful, innocent, brave, young man and I love him dearly...!  I am grateful that Monica and I could be there with him last night.  I am grateful for the vast outpouring of prayers, care, and well wishes that were extended to Elijah, Monica and I last night.  And I am ever grateful to my precious Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ who walks with us every step of the way in this journey of life. 

I am still reflecting on this recent trip to the ER.  Something was stirred deep in my heart last night and I know God is definitely performing a work in me right now.  I can not articulate my thoughts and feelings any better than that.  All I will say is that I believe that God does not waste any experiences and he uses everything for His Glory.  Our job is to trust, obey, and follow HIM.

Sorry this post is a bit dark, but writing helps me sort through things.   I appreciate your prayers for Elijah, Monica, and myself during this time.

Thanks for following "Coach Sam's Life".    Until next time, I am praying for all who read my blogs.  Praying that you would all know the healing, agape love of Christ Jesus.