Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Heading Home

I've been in California for the past few days visiting my in laws. It has been a beautiful, restful visit... But I head home in a few hours. I have to be home in time to get started on my summer tennis schedule. I have a big camp in League City tomorrow.

Monica, Connor, and Elijah are staying on and continuing their visit until June 10... That's right, I'll be separated from my family for almost a week and a half... I'm not looking forward to that one bit... I've never been separated from them for more than 24 hours and that was just one time...

Well, I'll definitely have time to get caught up on my blogging...

I've been enjoying the French Open every morning... And I'm fired up and eager to get on the court and practice. The only problem is that I still have a nagging little injury from the Corpus tournament last month, so I still need to take it easy for a while...

I suppose I should close here... More tonight after I get home...! Bye for now...