Thursday, August 31, 2006

Monica's Baby Squirrel

Monica found this little animal in our house on Tuesday evening. Hobbes, one of our cats had brought it in. We did not even know what it was at first. We thought it was premature puppy...

We found out later that it was a baby squirrel. We cared for it the best we could, getting up all through the night feeding it with an eyedropper and keeping it warm with a heat lamp.

Monica researched on the web and found a 'squirrel advocacy group' in Brazoria county and delivered the baby squirrel to someone who should be able to give it the best chance for survival...

Anyway, that was the big news yesterday... That's the life of this country tennis pro...!

More tomorrow... -Coach Sam

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Catching Up With Everyone...!

Hello everyone... I know I've been delinquent in posting on my blogs... It's been all I could do to keep my website updated and post in my prayer journal these past two weeks...

Here's a quick update...

My wife has been quite ill... She's had a very painful chest condition for several weeks that has really taken her out of her normal routine. In fact, she's doing much better now but still recovering...

HPTA has been busy... We just finished the Masters tournament and now I'm organizing my team for the state competition...

School has started... We've been adjusting to a new school year schedule. I have a really good routine for the fall but it's just starting to kick in now...

I've been more active in church singing on the praise team and playing trombone in the worship band as much as possible.

I've been plagues with nagging injuries... First my left foot was giving me all kinds of problems, now my right knee is sore... Getting old and out of shape really stinks...!

That's just a quick view of what's been going on... Really, if it's not one thing it's another... And although I have a better schedule and routine now, I still seem to be too busy.

The one thing I've done that I feel good about is I've set aside Sundays as designated 'family days'... We also try to reserve Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon and evenings for family time as much as possible. That's been working out well, actually...

My life is Good.... Really no complaints here...! I hope to keep this blog updated a little better this fall. The summer really is a difficult time for me to keep up with blogging...

Any way, That's the Coach Sam report...! Until next time, Bye for now...!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Monica Report

Here's a photo of Monica at the Mighty Red Wood National Forest in California...

My Sweet wife has been diagnosed with costochrondritis. That sounds bad, doesn't it...? Well it is very painful, that's for sure. The symptoms mimic a heart attack and we feared that was the case and spent pretty much an entire day at the emergency room in Angleton on Monday.

But Thank The Lord she is on medication for her illness and should be feeling back to her old self in a week or two...

Now, Elijah is sick... He had a very restless night with a low grade fever and it looks like he's cutting some new teeth. And I hate to sound like a complainer, but my health is failing right now, too. I've been getting a sore throat for a couple of days now and I believe that my lack of sleeep is starting to get to me... I've been taking cepestaat and dayquil but if it keeps getting worse today then I'll go to the doctor for a z-pac. Sigh... If it's not one thing it's another...!

Today is a big office day for me. I've got websites to update, emails to send, phone calls to make and return... I'll be at my desk all day, for sure... I have one private lesson this afternoon if I'm up to it, and then music rehearsal after that... I'm not sure if I'll be able to sing with my throat as sore as it is... We'll see...

That's about it for now... Be sure to check out my other blogs as I'm starting to get into a regular blogging routine now that the summer has passed.

Thanks for reading my journal... Bye for now... SC

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

It's been crazy...

Here's a photo from our family trip to California in May. I still can't believe how beautiful Bodego Bay was...

Hello... Here is the much anticipated journal entry to Coach Sam's Life... I'm just going to bullet the highlights to get you caught up...

  • Poor Monica has been very sick lately... We're very concerned...
  • I've had an incredibly busy summer, the busiest ever...
  • Elijah is walking and just about ready to start talking...
  • Our house in Houston still has not sold yet...
  • Connor just started 8th Grade...
  • We have a new kitty...'Lucy'...
  • We bought a new car... A Toyota Rav 4...
  • My sister Becky came to Texas for a lenghty visit...

There's many stories behind those bullets... I'll try to get you more caught up as soon as possible. My schedule is just starting to become more manageable now that school has started although I'm slammed today because I missed work yesterday because I took Monica to the Emergency Room in Angleton for chest pains. -We were afraid that she was having a heart attack. As it turns out, she wasn't having a heart attack, but she still has extreme discomfort in her chest area so we're going to visit more doctors today... I'll keep you informed... SC