OK... The super bowl has come and gone... I really wasn't in to it this year. Actually, I haven't been into it since I was in 6th grade...
This will be an interesting week. As usual I've got way too much stuff to do and not enough time to do it in...
I was just thinking this morning that my life has no slow down in sight. No sanity on the near horizon.
I've got to come up with a plan to get caught up and stay there. I don't know exactly what that looks like but I'll figure it out.
At first it's got to just be taking things one minute, one circumstance at a time. Little by little it will all work itself out.
I suppose the 'simple' plan is to just complete some projects I already have on the table before I take on any more new projects... And when I get these current projects completed then I need to be extra careful to not take on more than I can handle.
It's crucial that I get a handle on this immediately because I don't Elijah and Connor to be deprived of a dad because he's always too busy and stressed out.
OK... That's pretty much it. The order of the day is to teach lessons this morning from 8:30 to 10 AM, then come home and help Monica with Elijah until she has to go to her art class. Connor takes over with Elijah around 3:30 PM and I head to Bay City for lessons this evening.
There's not really going to be time for anything else today. But that's ok becaue I'm looking forward to an extended day with the Boo Boo...!
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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