It's been a tradition for the past five years for the Sci Fi Channel to air twenty four hours of Twilight Zone episodes. I'm looking forward to taking in a few episodes this afternoon...
Although, I must confess that my wife and I are pretty burned out on television. We hardly watch anything on TV any more. Not only is it difficult to find any show that is 'decent' to watch anymore, but many times not even the commercials are 'safe' to watch. We are very concerned about what images our sweet little Elijah is exposed too. Praise the Lord for DVR's and TiVo where we can pause live television.
Oh, how our society has really decayed morally over my life time...
What ever happened to shows like the Twilight Zone...? For it's time, the Twilight Zone really pushed the moral compass and often times made bold political statements in it's little vignettes.
Granted, there were many episodes that just 'bombed', but there is a certain charm to those old black and white re-runs that just keeps me coming back. I suppose it's the hope that I'll come across an episode that I've never seen before...
One day, when we have some extra discretionary resources, we'll just purchase a dvd collection of the entire Twilight Zone series. Then we'll be able to view them at our leisure without the annoyance of Viagra or Maxoderm commercials. Until then it's remote control time...
Side Note to Last Night's Blog:
The brisket turned out fantastic...! I ended up going to bed about midnight and finished it off in the oven instead of waking up throughout the night tending the fire... I know that true BBQ 'purists' turn their nose up to that, but they probably don't have a soon to be three year old at home...!
I'm still working on publishing a video on the web... I'll get that figured out later today... It's 5:30 AM and I can't sleep. Am I on some kind of weird schedule or what...?
I think I'm going to close here for now, but I'm sure I'll be back to post some photos and more commentary later...
Thanks for reading my blog... (You've got to have better things to do than this...!) :)
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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