Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Defend Life...!

For more than two centuries our flag has been a symbol of hope in the face of danger and strength in times of peace. One day after terrorists used commercial airplanes to destroy the World Trade Center Towers and attack the Pentagon, firefighters take a moment to unfurl the flag over the scarred stone as inspiration for fellow rescue workers searching through the debris Sept. 12
In my opinion, America made a mistake electing Barrack Obama as the president of the United States. The fact that he supports abortion alone is enough for me to oppose His entire platform.
Sanctity of life is a 'deal breaker' for me.
One thing I know of for sure: This election and it's issues have made activists out of Monica and I. The headline and article below reflect my family's sentiments exactly this morning.
Please read this important article.
Hey, Check out my Newest Blog: Quotes From Our Founding Fathers