Friday, November 07, 2008

Up Late Tonight...

Today has been a good day... I got up early this morning and took Elijah to Bay City with me. That's a regular routine now. He loves playing tennis with his home school friends in BC. We visited my grandmother Mimi... (Elijah's great grand-mother)

Tonight Connor and I are watching sci fi, eating junk food and drinking IBC Root Beer while I cook some ribs and chicken on the smoker...

I'm over my depression about the presidential election results

Now I'm a 'political-activist-watch-dog'....! I'll probably write the white house and my congressmen one or two letters a week for the next four years...

I'm also one of the newest members of the Presidential Prayer Team. Did you even know there was such a thing...? Check out the PPT website. It's pretty cool.

Go to:

I invite you to join me in prayer for our country's leadership every day from now on for the rest of our lives...!