Friday, October 20, 2006

Sale Pending...

We're waiting to see if we get to close on the sale of our home in Houston today. As of yesterday evening it wasn't looking good. The title company was still waiting on some paperwork from the buyer's bank.

There's a slim chance it could happen late this afternoon if everything goes through first thing in the morning. If not, the deal has to wait until the end of next week because of everyone's work schedules... Oh well... We'll wait and see. We've waited a year already and another week won't matter a whole lot more...

Yesterday Monica and I went to finish cleaning out our garage. Boy, we will not miss Houston traffic... We just have one more little trip to make in my jeep to get some bulky items and then we are done...!

After our cleaning project we stopped at our favorite Thai restaurant on the way home... Mmmmmm... It was delicious...! We sure can't get food like that here in the country..!

Today I have to finalize the details for my tournament next week... Order trophies, t-shirts, etc... And... I need to get more players...! I'll be burning up the phone lines and email links today and this weekend for sure...!

The weather is so awesome right now.... Cool and crisp.... This is what October is supposed to be about....! It's perfect weather for smoking a brisket on the back patio...

Well... I need to get to work.... That's it for now... I might come back a little later and publish some photos. Otherwise, see you tomorrow!

Have a nice day and thanks for checking out my blog

Coach Sam