We are entering into the Holiday Season. I'm starting to feel a little more sentimental than normal.
Do you know what I had for breakfast this morning...? Beans and cornbread. Ah yes, the old cowboy breakfast. When I was born my family lived out in the country in Refugio, Texas. And when I was little, I remember wanting to be a cowboy when I grew up.
Of course, mom obliged me and wold buy me little cowboy and indian figures, and toy cap gun six shooters... And I remember the first time she cooked me a cowboy breakfast. I was really little but I can still remember thinking how good cowboys had it to be able to eat beans and cornbread for breakfast.
My mom was an excellent cook back in those days. And she made an exceptional pan of cornbread and her beans were still to this day the best I've ever had.
I am thankful for those memories. I'm thankful for my mom who cared about me and loved me very much. She taught me how to cook beans and cornbread and I can still enjoy them for breakfast today...!
Now I'm looking forward to making special memories with Monica, Elijah, and Connor.
I'm going to the grocery store this morning to get some Dr Peppers for tennis camp. I think we've already purchased everything we need for our thanksgiving meal. I do not want to have to go to the store on Wednesday or Thursday...!
Well, that's about it. I'm going to try to write more about my growing up, because I think that's really what this blog should be about. I hate it when i just get into a mode of reporting what's on my schedule for the day... (although many do find it helpful to be able to keep up with me...)
Bye for now.... -Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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