Saturday, September 25, 2004

Nice Tropical Storm We're Having...!

That's been my line all weekend. In spite of forcasts of up to 80 -100 % of rain we got 0% so I was able to get all my lessons in except my 8 AM lesson this morning. (I overslept. )

I guess that's what happens when a person doesn't get enough sleep for several days in a row... I've got to start getting on a regular schedule and staying there...! Driving home this afternoon I got a little sleepy and pulled over for a moment. I was going to get a coke out of my ice chest in the back of my jeep. I put the jeep in 'park' and the next thing I new I was waking up about 15 minutes later. I find it amazing and kinda scary that I can just go to sleep that quickly.

I'm going to try very hard to get to sleep sooner and rest more. Starting tomorrow night....

I have to get up at 5:00 AM Sunday to drive to Clear Lake for Worshp Band practice then I'm playing for all 3 services. After that I'll head home and take a nap. Then It's yard work the rest of the afternoon and probably into early evening because Monday is heavy trash day!

That's my schedule for the next 24 hours...

Until tomorrow evening... Bye for now!