Friday, August 01, 2008

Friday... Family Day...! More Photos From Elijah's Birthday

Wow... That tower goes up pretty high... I stayed on the ground where it was safe...

Here's the observation deck about to land.... Monica, Connor, and Elijah are waiting for it to land.

Here's the family about to board the observation tower at the Kemah Boardwalk. Elijah got distracted at the last second....

On Fridays I like to write about family. This has been a busy summer. And wow... July has been a blur... The first part of the month I'd just like to forget about.
But we recently celebrated both Connor and Elijah's birthdays and they were both very memorable. Connor and Elijah are both growing like crazy...
My favorite Friday activity is to prepare some kind of Mexican food (usually fajitas, tacos, or nachos) Then enjoy watching Sci-Fi Friday with Monica and Connor. Sometimes it's too scary for Elijah so we usually wait for him to go to bed, first...
Our favorite show to watch is Stargate Atlantis...! There's a new episode on tonight... Yea