Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Twas the night before Christmas a few years ago: Elijah, Daddy, and the Kitties were snuggled...

FLASHBACK:  Here's a fun look at Christmas a couple of years ago...   Elijah and I fell asleep on the couch snuggling.  Peepers, our cat is sleeping on top of both of us...  Luke, our other cat is asleep acting as a foot warmer...

I am wearing my famous Star Wars pajamas and it looks like Elijah is wearing an Aggie shirt of some sort and jeans.  I've got one leg slipping off the couch because Elijah and peepers are trying to establish more space.

Today: Christmas Eve  2013   I am sure looking forward to some extended 'couch time' this afternoon.   My sister is spending Christmas with us this year and I am very much excited to heave her here...  I have a morning of tennis lessons scheduled then starting around noon I will kick back into Christmas Holiday mode...!    Will definitely blog a bit later...!    Merry Christmas from the Chadwells...!