Sunday, September 23, 2007

Coach Sam Working On a New Level of Fitness: STARTING TODAY...!

This photo was taken a couple of months ago. I'm not sure what I weighed there. Somewhere around 230 pounds... I actually got down to about 216 pounds last month, but last night I weighed in at 226 again. Of course, that was immediately after eating a big dinner meal.

I haven't weighed in this morning. I will in a few minutes.

But I am starting a new life style today. I have to. I can't live in this condition much longer. I'm just not healthy.

My feet hurt all the time. And my job requires me to be on my feet alot. I'm about to be 42 years old pretty soon. If I don't do something about my weight, I don't think I'll even be able to walk in the next few years...!

Because of my weight I snore very loud and it makes it difficult for my wife to get a good night's sleep. I see people around me dropping dead of heart attacks and they are in better shape than me. -God has spared me so far, but I don't want to take advantage of God's Grace in that regard any longer.

I've seen my Lord God and Savior work so many miracles in my life, there's no reason to believe that HE can't or won't help me with my weight.

So With God's Help: I will change my lifestyle. I will eat smaller portions. I will eat on a regular schedule. I will exercise more. I will drink more water. I will work on my flexibility.

Please understand that I am unable to accomplish this on my own. I've tried before, many times and have moderate success. a few years ago I got down to 200, but I've always balooned back up. This time it's different.
Praise the Lord: GOD IS IN CONTROL...!

I'm going to be writing about weight control for the next few days, weeks, months, -however long it takes to change my life. I think blogging about it every single day will help me get my mind set right. I normally blog first thing in the morning and I believe there's no better way to start my day than with a lifestyle pep talk...!

If there's anyone reading my journal who would also like to lose a few pounds, let's do it together. We can encourage each other and lose weight at the same time while giving glory to God...!

OK, today's weigh in is.... 225.8...!
-Ouch! No wonder my feet hurt...!

If I had time to embed a sound byte you would be able to hear the Darth Vader theme Music playing in the background...

OK, so there it is... Please Pray for me in this endeavor. I really do consider this a matter of life or death.
-Coach Sam