Here's a photo of either this past Thanksgiving or Christmas, I can't remember which...
I've been saving this photo on my desk top for some time now. I name it two turkeys which I think is very appropriate. I published this photo because on Wednesdays I'm supposed to write about a favorite of mine... I was just thinking recently how much I like smoked turkey and was wondering why I wait until the holidays to enjoy it...? I was going to smoke one last weekend, but instead I think I'll do it this weekend.... Mmmm.... I can't wait...!
By the way, this past Monday I was just too busy to publish a journal post so I'd like to record a childhood memory here this morning. I was recently checking out my old AOL Journal and noticed that at one time I was going through my school years one by one and chronicling some of the most notable events. I left off on Seventh Grade.
Seventh Grade was significant because it was my first year to go to public school after attending Holy Cross all my life. Over all I found seventh grade boring and not very challenging. I had nearly a 100 average in all my classes that year. I had my first crush that year on Kim Kennedy. My favorite teacher was Barbara Ryan, Social Studies/Texas History. She was very positive and encouraging. My least favorite teacher was Coach Claude Tice. He was rude and immature.
I'll come back soon and post links to my aol posts from the previous school years so they are all here on blogspot and easy to find...
Well, that's it for today... See You next time... Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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