Monday, October 15, 2007


I turned 42 yesterday... It was a good day. Unfortunately both Monica and I are fighting being sick... In fact I have all but completely lost my voice and very fatigued today. I'll be taking it easy this afternoon and I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel my mens drill this evening. There's a good chance it will rain anyway... We'll see.

Right this second Elijah and I are watching television together. We're watching Cailiou...

Yesterday after church we had lunch at Miyako in Pearland. It was good. I haven't had sushi in a long time....! We ended up eating out for dinner, too... (-Johnny Carinos for those interested)

When we got home I blogged a bit. I just found a new blog site:

I really like it and will probably be recommending it a lot in the future...

Well as for my weight... I'm still working on it. Obviously I didn't worry too much about what I ate yesterday but I didn't really over do it...

I'm holding steady at 222.2 today.

My sis stopped by to visit for a few minutes on Saturday. That was a treat. She was just in town over night for a friend's wedding. It was good to see her.

My favorite thing about my birthday yesterday was just spending time with my sweet wife!

I remember the first birthday we celebrated together about six years ago... She made me this incredible german chocolate cheese cake... Wow...! That was a Mega-Cake...!