Friday, January 13, 2006

Need an Extra Day...

Sigh... Things are starting to pile up on me... I have work to do here at the house, work to do for HPTA... There's racquets to string.... There's the marketing of my lessons programs, there's helping Monica with the baby... There's returning phone calls and email.... There's trying to carve out some quiet time and just sort things out.

Sigh... I'm away this weekend at a tournament with Connor and my other students. Hopefully I'll be able to get caught up on things over the next 72 hours....

Today I have lessons in Clear Lake all day from 1:30 PM to 8:00 PM.... And I'm proceeding full steam ahead for the next 4 hours before I have to leave at 12 Noon.

Gotta Run... A tennis coaches day is never done...!