I've still got a few Christmas photos to publish, but I'm almost done...! This photo was taken at Mimi's house. Monica, Elijah and I had a quiet Christmas. Connor was gone to visit relatives on his father's side of the family. Monica's relatives were just down for a few weeks right before Thanksgiving so they didn't come down again... And my family... Well... My sis lives n New York... That's a bit of a commute for her. My brothers live close, but I couldn't get them to participate in any family activity.
We did go visit my 91 year old grand mother and she simply adores Elijah so that was a nice visit...!
Well, the new year is here...! I still weigh a little over 230 lbs, but I'm down from my all-time high of 242.2 lbs at the beginning of October. Monica has lost considerable weight, too and is helping us out tremdously by planning and preparing nutritious meals. I really feel that living here at Columbia Lakes is really going to help me lose weight because I am not eating out nearly as much as I once was. And walking to work most days is a little more exercise for my regular routine.
We're still hoping to sell our house in Houston soon. And we're still looking for a local church although we really enjoyed our visit to First Baptist West Columbia yesterday.
I am swamped with business right now... It's been difficult to keep up with everything including helping Monica with the baby and picking up around the house.
All in all it was a nice Christmas and New Year's. (We stayed at home for New Year's)
I think we have started a tradition of snacking on appetisers and hosting a Star Trek marathon for New Year's Eve. (That was really fun and very nice to be able to just hang woth the family for the holiday!)
That's about it... I need to close here... I've got a very busy day today! Talk to you later...
Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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