Friday, December 15, 2006

The Knee Update...

I was expecting more progress than I'm seeing right now. I've still got a good deal of swelling. I want to get well and get on with a normal life.

I'm still hobbling around and I'm still in a good deal of pain at times. Sigh...

I've been particularly motivated by this season's reality show The Biggest Loser. Once I can start moving a little better I know those pounds are going to fall right off.

I've been up most of the night blogging and will have to get at least a few hours sleep in a little while...

You're going to think this is crazy, but I've been really sad today missing my mom. I was telling my wife just today how my mom used to annoy me by listening to hard rock and heavy metal music very loud all the time. Then I got to thinking I wouldn't mind having my mom annoy me right now... I wish she were here for Christmas this year. I can't believe she's been gone for nearly seven years now...

I wish mom could have attended the Christmas musical I performed in last week. I wish mom could meet Monica and her parents.

Oh how I wish mom were here to know Elijah.... Sigh... I'm really bumming myself out now...

I'm tired... I better try to get a little rest. I need to get up in two hours...

Until next time... Bye for now... -Coach Sam