Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My Knee Update

I had surgery on Dec 6... The Doctor shaved bone off of my knee cap and released a lateral tendon that was very tight across my knee cap. It's been nearly a month since my surgery. I'm walking, but playing tennis is very much out of the question. I am OK to give lessons but my mobility is severely limited

My Doctor said it would be three months before I would be fully recovered. The way things are going I'd say that it will take more than three months but I hope the Doctor is right...

I'm supposed to be doing some special exercises to help my recovery but the exercises are painful. But if I don't exercise it the stiffness is even more painful... Oh well, I'm just going to have to suck it up for awhile....

This week I'm taking it easy physically then I'll start easing back in to my regular teaching schedule next week. I've got plenty of planning and marketing to do this week.

Tomorrow I'll post the New Year Report...

Bye for now...

Coach Sam