Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Back in the Routine

Today is another regular day. I'm taking Connor to school, helping out at the hose as best I can and I need to leave for lessons in West Columbia around 1 or 2 PM today. I've got lots of HPTA work to do, too. Sigh... More when I'm back from Connor's commute to school. SC (6:56 AM)

...Elijah is feeling sick and has been a little under the weather since before the Hurricane. Monica is taking him to the doctor this morning. I'm staying here to straighten the house in case we have some realtors show it today. Then I've got to get ready to leave for Columbia Lakes. It will be a busy full day today.

Last night Monica and I listened to Max Maclean's The Bible on CD. We started in Genesis and got through the first 12 chapters. It was excellent. We're going to make that a new Chadwell Family Routine...!

I'm working on websites right now... I just purchased some new web packages that include e-commerce so people can pay accounts and order online. Pretty 'techy' for a tennis pro from the country, huh...! I'll even be able to stream videos online. I'm looking forward to that...!

Well... I gotta go. Bye for now... Coach Sam (8:56 AM)