Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Long Busy Day

Someone recently questioned as to what ever happened to our Cookie Jar that scared Peepers...? It's still on the kitchen table. And Peepers seems to be okay with everything now...

Oh Boy... Have I got a full and busy day today. I've been up off and on since 4 AM blogging and watching Tropical Storm Rita updates... It looks like we might be in for some bad weather this weekend... That stinks...

Toady I have to take Connor to school, Stop by Home Depot for some supplies, Go to a dentist appointment, then I have lessons all afternoon and evening, then I get to come home and work on the house a bit and try to take care of some HPTA business, too.

There will be no free or spare time for a long, long time...

Poor Monica is just as busy. And she's got the unpredictability of baby Elijah on top of all that...

Expect short, quick posts for awhile...

Bye for now...

Coach Sam