Saturday, September 10, 2005

Tennis Shop Still Under Construction...!

I've been working on this tennis shop building for the better part of this year and I'm finally nearing completion on many projects.

The Club Maintenance Department has repaired the bad parts of the ceiling and the roof no longer leaks. A new air conditioning unit was recently installed. The only thing left to do with the ceiling is a little texturing. I'll probably do that myself.

I've been painting the interior office. That project is almost completed. I still need to strip the concrete floor and stain it. It has a lot of glue on it that I need to remove before I can begin applying stain.

The main body of the shop is messy and cluttered right now, but next week I'll be straightening up. My next big project is to disassemble the big green counter and haul it out of there. This is going to open up the shop tremendously and allow me plenty of room to merchandise and spread out for different functions and events.

I want to make the shop more cozy and friendly. I want it to be a place where people will come to relax and hang out...!

I'm quite anxious to get my tennis shop up and running. Next week I'm going to really make an impact and spend a concentrated amount of time completing some of these projects. My next big event is October 22-23 and I've got to be done by then...!