Friday, August 24, 2007

My Family

This photo of my sweet family was taken Mother's Day 2007

Before I get any negative feedback from my post yesterday I want to do some damage control. I didn't mean to come across so negative towards public school or kids who attend public school.

I've been working with home school families in my tennis business for many years now and I just prefer that kind of culture for Elijah. Now, we have given Connor a choice regarding what he wants to do and he chose public school which is probably the best route for him at this time. When Elijah is older we will give him an option, too.

Today's blog topic is 'family'. That's a big and broad topic. Family is important to me. I'm looking for a different family life culture than the one I grew up in. Now I'm not going to sit here and write about a negative childhood experience. It wasn't horrible. But we just weren't 'close'. I know that there are no 'perfect' parents out there. My parents definitely were not perfect, and neither am I. But the main parenting resource I have been drawing from is my own memory of how my parents handled things.

Well, yesterday Monica and I visited one of the pastors at our church and were really given some excellent Godly advice and suggestions about our parenting skills and strategy. I am very excited to implement the suggestions. We started last night with a good family discussion and we are definitely off to a good start...! YEA!

I mentioned above that family is important to me. Let me rephrase that: It's the most important thing to me! Right now, 'Family' is my mission field. God's not going to work in my life in any other area until I get this first assignment right!