Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tennis Ministry at the US OPEN

The photo above is of Pastor Bob Kraft and family, Christmas 2006
The US Open is under way. This will be the third straight year that I have not attended our country's national tennis championships. I miss it. The Open has been a big part of my life for over twenty years. Hopefully I'll make it back next year.
I'd love to go not just for the tennis action, but to meet up with the man in the photo above. Pastor Bob Kraft is a tennis pro who ministers to other tennis pros. His mission is to spread the gospel to pro tour players and to put a bible in the hands of every tennis professional.
Here's a man who has a tremendous passion for the Lord and is living his love and passion day in and day out serving the Lord with his unique skills and talents.
He shares his life, his love for tennis, and his heart for ministering to ATP and WTA pros on this website: http://tennisministry.org/
Since today is the day of the week that I normally write about someone who inspires me it is appropriate that I feature Pastor Bob Kraft. I love how he has meshed his passion for tennis and the Lord.
I want to increase public awareness of Pastor Bob's Ministry, especially within the tennis community. He is an inspiration to Christians everywhere and particularly to Christians in the tennis industry.
If you'd like to send Pastor Bob a word of encouragement you can email him at Kraft@tennisministry.org
Please pray for Pastor Bob, his family, and his ministry.