Tuesday, March 15, 2005

It's Tuesday... Where's the Rain...?

The forecasters got it wrong today, BIGTIME! They said rain most of the day, 90 percent... and it hasn't rained at all. I cancelled lessons earlier today based on the forecast, but I'm planning on teaching this evening in Seabrook from 6 to 8 PM. Oh well, I guess they can't get it right every time...!

Anyway, I put my afternoon to good use and worked on my next tournament at Columbia Lakes. My entry form looks great and I've even got online registration set up for this one.

Our HP fax/printer went on the blink today. That's particularly annoying. And Hobbes has been marking areas around the house to claim his territory. More Annoying...!

Other than that things are going well. I'm going to be spending a lot of time the next few days promoting this upcoming tournament at Columbia Lakes. And I've got tons of HPTA stuff I need to do also...!

Coach Sam is a busy man.

Well thanks for reading my journal. I'll see if I can take some time this evening to write about a little more interesting stuff.

Bye for now.

Coach Sam