Friday, March 04, 2005

Catching Up...!

I've had another really busy week. The tennis business is Good. Life is Good. Monica and I got caught up on a bunch of home improvement projects over the past weekend and early this week. Judy and Arno, Monica's parents are visiting right now and Connor, Monica's son will be here for spring break.

I'll probably only be posting about once or twice a week for now because I simply can't keep up the frantic pace I've been running at.

Today I am teaching in Nassau Bay from 8 to Noon, then I'm taking the rest of the day off to work on the Gran Prix tournament and make calls for lessons this morning and next week...!

Monica and Judy are driving to Tennessee to pick up Connor and Arno and I will be hanging out here at the house.

That's the brief update. I will try to post some more this weekend, though. And I'm going to try to use pictures whenever I post from now on. I think pictures make it a lot more interesting...

Thanks for reading my journal. Bye for now. Coach Sam