I haven't posted since Feb 18...? Wow... I didn't know it had been that long. I've just been too busy. Deadlines to meet... That tournament was a lot of work... At least I kept up with my prayer journal. That's really the most important thing, anyway...!
So today looks like a total rainout and I've finally got some time to catch up...! I've been busy with lessons and administering the Houston Pro Tennis Association has been a lot more work than I thought it would be. We have our first board of Directors meeting tomorrow and I need to prepare for that later today.
Peepers Update: Peepers was diagnosed with feline leukemia but since we've quit feeding her table food snacks she hasn't been sick once in 2 weeks...! We think that maybe (hopefully) she was mis-diagnosed. So we're going to wait for a couple of months and if she still hasn't shown any symptoms we're going to have her tested again.
Coach Sam's Weight: I'm down to 222 from 228.5 last month and hope to keep on dropping those pounds. Monica's working hard to prepare good nutritious meals and I'm trying to cut down my portions and exercise more...!
Baby Watch: We go for an ultrasound that should tell us the gender of the baby next Tuesday at 8:30 AM...!
Spring Break: Connor is coming for a visit in two weeks. Arno and Judy (grand parents) are coming for a visit, too...!
Things Coach Sam Likes: I haven't reported in this category in awhile. I like good service when I go to a restaurant. And sadly, you don't see too much of that any more. But even if I have a 'bad' server, I try to be a good customer and be pleasant and see if I can make a difference in that server's day...!
Coach Sam's Childhood Memories: I completely forgot about this category. I was browsing my old AOL journal a few days ago and came across this one. I last reported on 5th Grade. If you remember, I went to Holy Cross, a private catholic school in the small town of Bay City, Texas. I got an excellent education but can't say that my religious training was all that memorable. More on that later... And more on sixth grade later too because I want to write about our teacher Mrs Sylvia Landry... Now she was a remarkable teacher...!
That's about it for now... I'll be back soon...! But I don't know if I can keep up the pace of writing every day. I think I'll just try to write every few days, or at least every week. I've got to prune a few things out of my routine to keep up my sanity, and I'm afraid that Coach Sam's journal will have to go to semi weekly instead of daily in order for me to achieve the goal of sanity...!
See you next time.... Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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