11:42 AM... I'm at Diedrich's... This is one of my favorite places to hang out... to just sit and think... The weather has clouded over, but I don't think it's going to rain... At least I hope it doesn't.... I'm sitting here trying to get my thoughts togetherand setmy frame of mind for the day.
I have one last player to enter for the tournament next weekend, then I can get to work tonight on organizing the draws and tournament reports. I need to send some marketing emails out this afternoon, and then I need to make a few calls, but over all I just need to psyche myself up for an afternoon of high energy tennis lessons.
I wonder why Diedrich's is such a good place to collect my thoughts...? I've always been able to relax here... I can't explain it. I used to think that it was because so many Christians hung out here. It seems that there's always a bible study or some discipling going on here.... I used to come here every day, sometimes twice a day when I lived in Clear Lake. Now I just stop in a couple of times a week at the most.
But still I always look forward to a few relaxing minutes here at the coffee shop...! I've been going full blast, non stop lately. I cherish these few moments during the week when time just slows down for a bit. This couch is so comfortable here... I've fallen asleep many times before here in Diedrich's.
I'm getting more relaxed, now. Writing helps me relax. I have to be on the court in a couple of hours but until then I can just chill out.
So, I remember the first time I met a very significant figure in my life here. We were standing in line waiting to order coffee and I was holding a book I had been reading: The biography of Saint Francis of Assisi. Steve asked me what I liked about the book. I responded that I loved reading about the life stories of great christians. What struck me about Saint Francis was his utter devotion to God. He preached the Gospel without words. His life was the Gospel.
Anyway, Steve and I became good friends after that conversation and one time when I was having a big crises he agreed to counsel me, and spent over a year discipling me in the bible. That was certainly a life changing year for me.
Maybe that's why I can think well here at Diedrich's. This place really has been the venue for some big transformations in my life. I haven't seen Steve here in awhile... I need to email him and catch up...
Well... I need to get back to business.... I think I'm in a good frame of mind now....
Check you later.... Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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