Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Peepers is Sick...!

Monica gave me some difficult news yesterday. One of our Cats, Peepers has been sick. She acts very healthy but she's been vomiting a lot lately. Monica took Peepers to the vet yesterday and they ran some tests and they think that she might have feline leukemia. We'll have the test results on Friday but we're hoping and praying that it's something else.

If Peepers does have feline leukemia then the vet recommends that we have her euthanized and we bring the other kitties in for testing. That's devastating news. We're still not over the death of Jack and now we might lose Peepers and possibly Hobbes and Gabriel, too. Feline leukemia is highly contagious...

Plus, it's not good to have sick animals around a pregnant child or baby. Ugggh...! We are hoping and praying for a different diagnosis. We'll be on pins and needles until we hear something Friday....

This morning I'm wrapping up the gran prix tournament and taking it to Pine Forest at 11 AM... Then I head to Columbia Lakes for an afternoon of lessons. It looks like finally the weather's going to cooperate. Last night was a total rainout...!

So, That's it for now... I need to get to work. Bye for now... Coach Sam