Thursday, February 17, 2005

Columbia Lakes News...

I had a great meeting with the management and owners at Columbia Lakes Country Club. They've informed me of many updates and upgrades and repairs in the works for the tennis facility. I'm going to be working on scheduling some big events there. That's awesome news...!

I had 4 1/2 hours of lessons yesterday. And Got four racquets strung, too. Monica had her first stringing lesson yesterday and she performed like a pro...! Pretty soon she can just take over my stringing business completely. (just kidding, Monica) No seriously, she did do a great job helping me yesterday and I'm sure that her stringing skills will prove to be very beneficial in the future.

I'm working on a few details for the Gran Prix tournament this morning and hoping to work in the yard a bit later this morning, too. I haven't mowed in a long time and although the grass isn't too high yet, it's very uneven and I could stand to do some raking, too... I'm hoping my mulcher feature on the lawnmower will take care of the raking issue...

This afternoon I'm teaching in Rustic Oaks, League City from 2 to 7 PM. I'm hoping to move those classes over to Wednesday by April so I can start going back to church Wednesday evenings. That's about it for now. I'll be back tomorrow...

Coach Sam