Here's one of Gabriel's baby photos. We rescued Gabriel when he was just a few weeks old. He was a stray and barely survived his childhood. Now months later, he's a happy, healthy little Hobbes look a like!
Pearl Harbor Day.... I wonder how old a person needs to be to automatically think of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor which pulled the United States into WW II...? For today's youth September 11 was their Pearl Harbor Day.
I'm talking about deliberate acts of violence. Well thought out acts of evil. Atrocoties. It's really amazing how utterly despicable one human being can treat another. As you can tell, I'm sitting on my couch pondering deep thoughts this morning....
I've held back reporting these next two bits of news but they are events that have recently shocked and shaken my belief in the human condition.
A couple of months ago I was packing and moving boxes from my house in Houston. I had my arms full of boxes from my waistline up to my chin. I was walking out to the driveway and a car full of teens whom I've never seen before drove by and shot me in the leg with a BB gun. I was stunned, and as the shock and pain registered on my face, their car erupted in laughter as they drove on.
All I have been thinking about since then is what if that had been a .38 caliber or .357 magnum and those kids randomly just blew me away...?
Then, a truly shocking atrocity occurred right before my eyes just this past Sunday as my family and I were driving to Houston along a country road. There was a vehicle in front of us travelling 70 miles a hour throwing baby kittens out the window...! Unfortunately we were not able to save the kittens but we did report the license plate to the police. And the perpetrators of this crime were adults. Any one who would throw a kitten out the window of a fast moving car is certainly capable of more evil acts.
What's up with society today? What can we do to combat the moral decay that is increasingly getting more and more out of hand...?
We can pray. And we can raise up Godly families to make a difference. That's what I plan to do. Even though last Sunday I almost turned into a Charles Bronson -Vigil Ante character regarding the kitty people....
December 7 changed the way Americans lived. September 11 changed the way the world lives today . But civil, law abiding, God-fearing citizens must not despair inspite of the deplorable behavior of a few certain individuals.
Hang in there. Take Heart. Practice a random act of kindness today to off set the bad things happening in the world. Try to make a diffence in someone else's life today. Be a mentor. Be an encourager. And keep those prayers coming...!
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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