Thursday, December 08, 2005

Self Portrait: Bad Idea

My stepson Connor thought he'd take a photo of himself but he misjudged how bright the flash was. I'm sure he won't make that mistake again...!

Wow... The air is a little chilly out there today! I don't think anyone will be mad at me for canceling tennis lessons today! I've been up since 4 AM this morning. I'm getting back into my old routine of early to bed and early to rise...!

I heard some fantastic bible teaching this morning on KKHT Radio. That was a great way to start my day.

I'll be spending most of the morning online journaling and working on marketing my Christmas and new year programs. Then Monica and I are going to make a trip into Houston to check on the house and shop a little.

That's about it for now... More later...

Coach Sam