Friday, October 21, 2005

Still Savoring the Victory!

Well, for some reason the photo feature on blogger isn't function properly this morning. I've tried unsuccessfully to add some Astros photos to this post but although it said 'done' it wasn't done... Now it's showing mulitle photos of the same image... Oh well... That's better than nothing I guess.

Any way, Im still enjoying the victory. And I'm loooking forward to the Astros first world series game on Saturday.

Today I have lots of driving to do. I'll be on the road to Clear Lake in a little bit. Then I have to go to Columbia Lakes and stay there the next few days for a tournament I'm hosting.

I'll try to blog more tonight befor I go to bed, but my schedule is pretty much non-stop straight through from now until 8 or 9 PM tonight...

More details later...

Bye for now... Coach Sam