Friday, March 24, 2006

Strange Ending Or Beginning To My Day....!?!

I was awakened at 12:01 AM by a phone call to my cell phone. It rang only one time and there was no voicemail. The caller ID said it was the security person for the tennis club I work for... I tried to call the security person back and got voicemail so I put my clothes on and drove over to the tennis shop fearing the worst...

But everything was fine at the tennis shop, so I went to the front desk and they hadn't heard anything from security. I left another voice mail and then came home... It's 1:24 AM and I'm fully awake pondering the mystery call... Oh well, I guess I'll find out sooner or later...

Probably later....

So, this evening I had to stop lessons an hour early. It was so cold with the wind chill that I couldn't feel my toes or fingers... That was not good...

I came home and took Connor to dinner and then went to bed before 10 PM, looking forward to catching up on some much needed sleep... Anyway, that didn't work out due to the mystery phone call. But I'm about to call it a night/morning and try to go to sleep again.

More later....

Coach Sam