Sunday, August 07, 2005

Can't Sleep...

I just have way too much to do at the moment. There is a ton of data entry to take care of for the HPTA, and I have lots of things I need to work on regarding my own lessons business. The baby just woke us up after 20 minutes of restful sleep. I'm going to have a long day at Columbia Lakes starting a little later this morning. I need to be on the road at 6 AM. But it's almost 1 AM now... Hopefully I will be able to balance out my schedule starting on Tuesday. At least I can sleep in then. (If Elijah's willing to cooperate!)

Mom and baby are sleeping in the rocking chair right now... I'm sitting on the couch with my trusty laptop. I suppose I'll try to grab a little bit of shut-eye for now...

More Later....

Coach Sam