Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Kitties Relaxing

Hobbes and Gabriel used to be able to hang out in our bedroom all the time. But now that the baby is here, they hardly ever get a chance to hang out there any more. We're keeping the baby close right now at all times. But after Elijah gets a little older and starts sleeping in his own room a little more, we'll let the kitties start sleeping with us again...!

My Sis Becky came to visit yesterday. She'll be here for about 10 days...! It's great to have her visiting... I haven't had a chance to spend any quality time with her in a long time. And she's going to be a great help with the baby...! We'll have some Becky Photos in the next few days!

Today I am off from work. (sorta) At least it's my first Wednesday with no lessons. Of course, after Labor Day I'll start up teaching in the afternoons at Columbia Lakes again. But until then I'll be enjoying a little extra family time. Although I do have a ton of projects that I need to complete in the office today, being at home all day and working in this relaxed environment is a nice change from commuting somewhere for lessons.

Yes, I'm aware more than ever what a precious commodity time is... And I want to spend every minute I can with my wife and family.

Well... That's it for now... More later... Coach Sam