Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Lap Kitty

Peepers Loves to lay on laps... I'd say she's definitely the most cuddly kitty we have. She used to be a stray in Montrose but she adopted us before we moved so we took her with us... In this photo she's enjoying Connor's lap. She also likes to lay on laptop computers...!

I had 3 lessons rained out early this afternoon but it's supposed to clear in little while and I've still got a full evening schedule in Lake Cove. I've been making the most of my time working from Diedrich's coffee shop. I had over 250 emails in my in box when I started and now I'm down to 169...!

I finished the Gran Prix standings and posted them to the HPTA website... That was a huge job..! Monica has reported a semi-stressful day with the baby and running errands and such. I'll try to pitch in with house work when I get home this evening. Maybe I'll even change another diaper or two before the evening is done...!

Well, that's about it for now. Thanks for reading my journal...!

Coach Sam