Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Half Day at Home...

Today I'm at home until about Noon. We're supposed to have the air conditioner man come out again and do some follow up work. I've got racquets to string this morning and then I need to update my website, clean out my car, and work on my Thanksgiving Holiday Camp Programs... Then I have lessons all afternoon from 2 to 8 PM....! -A full day for Coach Sam...!

Hopefully when I get home I'll have enough energy left to do a little more around the house...! I told Monica that I'd try to help her with the house work since she's essentially working two jobs simultaneously right now with the college job and her personal artwork commissions....

That's about it. The weather's fantastic right now and everyone wants tennis lessons.

I posted a photo of our Sunday evening meal. We're trying to eat at home more to save money, and to eat healthier, too. This was my first attempt at salmon and scallops on the grill and it turned out great...! We've been eating lots of red meat lately and are trying to turn our diets to more seafood and chicken courses.

By the way, I weighed in this morning at: 219.5 Let's see how I do by the end of the day. As God is my witness I plan to eat healthy stuff all day...! No junk food, and no large quantities...! Monica's been losing weight every day. She's been working very hard on her fitness, conditioning, and diet. And I must say she's looking pretty good! Certainly, she's an inspiration to me in that regard.

I know that it's harder to lose weight this time of year, but I really, really want to start off the new year under 200 lbs...! That's about it for now...

Thanks for reading my journal. Now that I have got the hang of posting pictures better I'll try to make it more interesting with a photo or two each day...! I've got some great photos of our cats. I was thinking of starting a new blog: The secret life of Sam's cats... But for now I'll just tack it on to this blog... That's it. This is Coach Sam Signing off....