Friday, November 19, 2004

Peepers is in Big Trouble...

OK, it's really my fault, but Peepers has to share some of the blame... I left my computer on a couple of nights ago, and Peepers slept on my keyboard and walked all over it and now I'm having some issues with my picture resolution...

It's not the first time she's reconfigured one of our computers, either. She just likes the warmth it emanates... I don't blame her... She's just being a cat... But it is particularly annoying...! A couple of years ago when Hobbes was a kitten he chewed Monica's power cord to her computer... We had to get a new one... Hobbie was lucky he didn't get fried...!

But I guess If my computer issue is the only problem I'll face today, I'll be fine... A lot worse things could have happened...!

Today I ma heading out to Clear Lake in just a little bit. I have lessons all morning and then all afternoon. In fact... this morning is the start of 4 solid days of action packed tennis. Saturday I'm going to Columbia Lakes in the morning and then I'm helping with a tournament the rest of the weekend at Quail Valley Country Club. Then Monday I'm back at Columbia Lakes with the first of my week long Thanksgiving Break events...! I may not have much opportunity to update this site until the middle of next week... Stay tuned and see what happens...!

This is Coach Sam Signing off... Bye for now...