Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Staying Busy Off-Court

I was able to get in one private lesson yesterday. Then it rained me out the rest of the day. But I used my time wisely, stringing some racquets, straightening my office at Columbia Lakes, and making some phone calls and sending and receiving emails.

This entire week looks like a rain out. Oh well... I used to get depressed over stuff like that but now I'm better at taking it in stride. This just allows me to get caught up on many projects I have here at home. I'm going to journal a bit this morning... Including my tennis tip journal... Then I'll update my website a little... Then I'm going to clean the hardwood floors here at our house. The floor is absolutely yuchy right now. We've had several days of contractors coming in and out, not to mention that yours truly is not the neatest person around, either...

Anyway, that will take up my morning...

Today's Chadwell family photo is of Hobbes. He's just collapsed after a vigorous pilates workout...! Actually, No. It's just Hobbes in his natural state: sleeping.

Thanks for reading my journal. Bye for now...

Coach Sam