Thursday, January 27, 2005

Big Week Update...

You read about my big week back on the 24th. Well, I'm just now able to post again in my journal. It's been THAT busy. Last night I didn't get home until 11 PM and I was able to sleep in this morning until 8 AM...! Woohoo...! I feel pretty good now but I was wiped out last night.

This morning I'm at home working on the computer all morning until about Noon. I've got things to sign up for online, emails to send, reports to make... Then I have to head down to League City for my afternoon lessons.

Its' just a BIG Week... Like I said earlier...!

The good news is that it might rain Friday and Saturday which would lighten my load a little bit. Unfortunately it would lighten my wallet, too...! But I definitely have a slower day next Tuesday...! Yea...! I can look forward to that...!

Well, I gotta dive into some other projects this morning. Thanks for reading my journal. Bye for now.

Coach Sam