Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Mourning an Old Friend....

I didn't post a journal entry yesterday and with good reason. As I was about to head out for work yesterday morning I found one of our cats, 'Jack', out in the road. He had been hit by a car sometime in the early morning hours. I had the dreadful task of telling Monica. And she was (and still is) very upset and grieving. We buried Jack in our back yard with his favorite kitty blanket, some pictures, and kitty toys.

Jack was a fine Cat. He had a great personality and loved us very much. Monica had him since he was a kitten. He would have been 7 years old this Spring. We will miss him very much. He is survived by Hobbes, Peepers, and Gabriel.

That's all I have to write today. I'm still a little shaken and saddened by the unfortunate event yesterday, myself.

More later... Bye for now...

Coach Sam


Jonathan said...

Sorry to hear about this. I know how much pets can mean to us. They do become a close part of our daily lives.
Again, sorry to hear this.
