The back yard possum is not really our new pet. We really prefer to just take in stray kitties. My wife discovered that we actually have tow different possums coming around. We haven't seen them both at the same time, but last night Monica said that a smaller possum came by last night while I was at Columbia Lakes. I guess we'll have to come up with some names, soon.
Last night my lessons at Columbia Lakes were cut short by the cold front and some rain. Today it's kinda cold but if it's not rainy, I'm going to teach today in Rustic Oaks. I'm sure that some of my students will not mind to brave the cool temperatures. And for those that don't want to get out... Well... I won't hold it against them...!
Today, I'm going to really try to get my office organized before I head out to work. Poor Monica is sick with what I had over the holidays. And being pregnant there's really not a lot of medicine she can take. I'm praying for her and trying to do everything I can to make her feel more comfortable.
The next few days and over the weekend I'll be super busy with organizing the Bay Oaks Junior Gran Prix tournament. But I'm having a good time with it...!
Ahhh... That's about it. I have about an hour and a half before I need to head out to run some errands before my classes. I still need to send some email correspondence too before I head out so I'd better close here.
Bye for now... Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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