Alright, here I go. I've got to get a handle on my insane schedule once and for all. Especially in the area of sleep and rest. I'm just not sleeping enough. I've got to really manage my time better. I need to work some set hours, period. I just need to do the best I can and be satisfied that I gave it my best effort in the time I had. I can't keep trying to stay up late and getting up early to get caught up. I'm only staying run down and less productive in the over all process.
I like my morning routine. I get up around 4 AM to have quiet time. I like to start my day with prayer and conversation with God. Then I like to come right here to my journal and pour my heart out to the world in this forum. I don't know how many people read these lines and that doesn't really matter. I think my wife reads me daily. And so do a few friends and family. Sometimes I'm writing for you guys, but mostly it's just for me. This is how I get my act together and organize my thoughts. How I stay Sane...!
Recently I've been under the conviction that I'll one day have a new journal subscriber: my future son or daughter. I am now constantly aware that everything I do and say and write will be under the scrutiny of the next generation of Chadwell's one day . Well, they'll find out that Coach Sam was a mess at times. But he tried hard to get his act together.
And hey, don't get worried here, I'm not writing my eulogy or anything. I'm just aware that when I am finally gone from this earth, that my child will read my journal to find out what kind of man his dad was. That's 'kinda' neat.
I wish my dad would have left me more of a legacy like that. I really can't say I knew him very well. Isn't that sad..? Well, I'm not going to have that for my child, no way.
So... How to get a handle on the schedule...? Well I haven't completely got that figured out yet. It might eventually mean moving closer to work and church one day. It might mean eventually taking on an assistant professional to help me with my lessons load. It definitely means better and more complete planning out every day and not having any wasted precious minutes during the time that I am clocked in. And it definitely means clocking 'out' at a certain time every day and getting enough rest.
OK, it's 7:08 AM. I'm allowing myself two hours to journal every morning and my prayer journal took up more time than I thought it would, but then I didn't get as early a start as I had intended, either. But regardless, I'm out of time here.
Thanks for reading my journal. I'll be back with another report tomorrow morning...!
Bye for now... Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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